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Hell & High Water, with Meria and Chuck Ochelli
5/28/24 Hell & High Water, with Meria and Chuck Ochelli
Tornadoes and storms; Operation Popeye; controlling the weather out of control?; podcasts backed by Moderna; covid damage; Robert DeNiro, Mick Jagger; the gag order is a joke; trumps [...]

Meria With Patricia Cori – Episode 6 “Hacking The God Code”
7/14/23 Meria With Patricia Cori “Hacking The God Code The Conspiracy To Steal The Human Soul”-Episode 6
This is a HAVE to READ book. Today we talk about weather manipulation; geo engineering, blocking the Sun; the food supply; [...]

Meria with Patricia Cori – Episode 4 of “Hacking The God Code”
3/29/23 Meria With Patricia Cori -Episode 4 -“Hacking The God Code, The Conspiracy To Steal The Human Soul”
The deliberate dangers of AI, robots, trans humanism; becoming borg; cell phones, Alexa; ET’s in plain site; shape [...]