
Meria with Rochelle Sparrow – SOLID GOLD

4/16/24 Golden Oldie: Meria with Rochelle Sparrow this show is SOLID GOLD. Recorded back on 6/30/05 this show made the listeners joyful, cry and comment like mad! Rochelle Sparrow wrote the book “JFK Is Still Alive” and channels [...]

Awaken With Meria and Monnica

3/27/24 Awaken with Meria & Monnica Where are your eyes? Eye Patterns and how to recognize them; how to tell if someone is lying; left hand, right hand; shifty eyes; the “tell”; body language and emotional state; looking up [...]

Awaken With Meria & Monnica

2/20/24 Awaken With Meria & Monnica Todays topic: death, karma, reincarnation; is there life after life? ; going back home; greeted with love; leaving is less painful than arriving; why reincarnate?; what goes on on the other side?; Oversoul/Higher [...]

Awaken With Meria & Monnica

1/16/24 Awaken With Meria & Monnica The importance of and how to use frequencies: 4Hz, 432Hz,777Hz, 888Hz (all found on youtube); What kind of year will 2024 be for you based on your numerology; Binaural beats; “Inner Workout” [...]

Meria with Richard Burns, producer of “Soul Redemption”

1/3/24 Meria With Richard Burns, Producer Richard Burns, producer of the film “Soul Redemption”. Richards story going from computer graphics to award winning film producer; Richards healing from Stage 4 throat cancer and into his [...]
