Keith McHenry-Food Not Bombs
11/11/09 Meria interviews Keith McHenry, co-founder of Food Not Bombs and Indymedia. A HERO, yet called a terrorist group? For feeding the hungry and being anti-war? Middletown, Ct arrests after 10 yrs of feeding the poor; sharing vegan/vegetarian meals around the world to homeless, protesters, etc; homes not jail project; Seattle WTO protest; non violent social change; sharing food without a permit! Bechtel,Chevron, BOA vs. Food not Bombs; infiltration by FBI; 3 strikes law used against him; why such a threat to the govt? who’s profits are they threatening; clear cutting of Redwoods in Calif; economic crash – govt can use food as social control; exploitation of animals as well as people; murdering the homeless; do laws help or hurt? 25,000 a day dead from starvation; pre-9/11/01 phone wiretapped; co-intel-pro still alive; corporate intell agencies; chapters around the world; awards won worldwide – yet called “America’s most hardcore terrorist group”. Black is white, up is down indeed. Call 1-800-884-1136 to volunteer.
So glad to be randomly listening to the archives and stumbling on this inspiring interview. I know one of the RNC 8 here in Minneapolis. This interview makes me want to get involved with food not bombs. I remember a group back in the ’80’s around here called bikes not bombs. I can only assume they are connected.
Thank you!
you are so welcome. Keith is a hero.