Carlos Miller, Photographer
2/24/10 Meria interviews multi-media journalist Carlos Miller. Carlos was arrested twice for taking photographs of police in Miami. Is photography a crime? What’s the difference when a cop takes a photo or a journalist does? Worldwide police brutality; the 1st Amendment; standing up for your rights; don’t back down, keep filming; cops need to change their image; Carlos’ “sarcasm” disclaimer; taser attacks by cops; tapes disappeared; tasering children and grandparents; Libertarians and Ron Paul’s event; the drag of going to trial; “cop watch”; honest cops are forced to resign; Seattle artist sues man for photographing a public work of art; Taser Intl’s new cameras on helmets of cops; Is it legal for a cop to confiscate your camera? Real or FX? Never leave home without a camera and don’t be afraid to use it..