
Meria With Dr. Ellen Shaffer -Discriminating Against Women


5/21/13 Meria interviews Dr. Ellen Shaffer Director the Trust Women, Silver Ribbon Campaign.  The campaign to trust women; our choice on reproductive health; keep abortion legal; working with Sen.Paul Wellstone – where was he on women’s rights? Obama and the Hyde Amendment; Is it about birth control or just control? lower income women suffer the most; access to abortion limited in some counties; reporting a miscarriage or be convicted of a crime? Personhood law, does it apply to women? Condoms readily available everywhere, why not the morning after pill? less dangerous than aspirin; 40% of US women have had or will have an abortion – keep it safe; 50% of all pregnancies in US are unintended or unwanted; the cost of an unwanted child vs. the cost of contraception; Political and religious punitive measures; what about “religious” employers and health insurance? Mother or child – who to choose; “Protect Life Act” or the “Let Women Die” bill and much more.




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4 Responses to "Meria With Dr. Ellen Shaffer -Discriminating Against Women"

  1. andie says:

    Some interviews I’d like to see:

    Roseanne Barr

    Anyone on the masthead of Catholics for Choice http://www.catholicsforchoice.org/about/board/default.asp

    Dr. Susan Stubbs Hyatt or Dr. Katherine Bushnell – they have a ministry and blog which details how women were written out of Christianity (no small part due to King James the misogynist) http://godswordtowomen.blogspot.com/ http://www.godswordtowomen.org/

  2. Meria says:


  3. debalexander2000@aol.com says:

    Over-population is a huge problem worldwide, and the U.S. IS part of the world. I think women who choose to have an abortion should be given a financial incentive for doing so. I also think that couples who choose not to have children should likewise be given a tax break for every year they don’t have children.

  4. Meria says:

    stay tuned for Weds show…

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