
Meria With Kevin Jiggetts – Stop Your F#cking Whining and Do the Damn Thing


10/7/14 Meria Interviews Actor,Author Kevin Jiggetts on his book “Stop Your F#cking Whining and Do the Damn Thing, Now Only Happens Once”. We are programmed for excuses and alibis;it’s all bullshit; never whine, get in action; Are you still waiting? Start small but move towards your goals; energies line up; what Kevin survived as a Marine and didn’t whine about it; family will f#ck you in the worse way-what to do about it; are you going along to get along? How’s that working out? dealing with haters; fear as a lifestyle; the definition of family; don’t share your excitement;working for the man, buying into the system; stereotypes;the “god” factor; you have the NOW; do you fear failure or success? be willing to fail big; put it in writing;do you believe you deserve? sick and tired of being sick and tired? go get it! (strong language).








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2 Responses to "Meria With Kevin Jiggetts – Stop Your F#cking Whining and Do the Damn Thing"

  1. pbraunschweiler says:

    I fucking LOVED this show! 🙂 The part about “Family Issues” totally resonated with me. There are just so many times you can be called “Conspiracy Theorist”, “Anti-American” or any other term from people (family or friend) who don’t want to hear/know the TRUTH. Everything about this interview was FABULOUS! I am definitely buying Kevin’s book, and wish him all the best and much success.

  2. Meria says:

    I enjoyed it too. Like I always say “blood doesn’t equate to real family”. hugs

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