
The Bigger Picture with Meria and Michael Reccia

10/2/19 The Bigger Picture, with Meria and Michael Reccia. Michael’s new youtube channel; We are consolidating the Field, which is having a field day with us; how to get out of here while here; the angel and the t.v.; what’s going on with the Planet and nature? arrogance of humans; the loss of the sacred; technology; insular society; planet reacting to our plundering; thoughts have consequences; are your moods yours? exhausted? what to do; nurture and protect the children; feeders and psychic vampires; crowds and energies; step back from anger; chakras; and much more.








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2 Responses to "The Bigger Picture with Meria and Michael Reccia"

  1. pbraunschweiler says:

    “The Bigger Picture“ is so special to me that I always save these shows until I can totally be sure that I won’t have any distractions. I am always uplifted after listening to the two of you. I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the only important thing in life is how much we live in love, give love, and show love to all living Beings. Whenever I give money, for instance, to a Homeless Person, too many people tell me not to. “They’ll just use it for drugs or alcohol…blah, blah.“ My response is, whatever they choose to use it for is their issue. I give it with good intention, and it’s too easy to just walk by and pretend that we don’t see these fellow Human Beings and make up excuses for ignoring them. Anyway, I’ll stop ranting, and just say a big Thank You to you, Meria and Michael, for always encouraging love as a priority, whether it is for Mother Earth, animals, or our fellow “Earth Angels”. x

  2. Meria says:

    I enjoy my spiritual shows the most too and love Michael. However, all my shows are part of real spirituality – knowing all that is going on to
    make sure it’s never repeatedly anywhere else ever again. hugs!

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