
Awaken with Meria and Monnica

3/17/20 Awaken With Meria & Monnica.

The coronavirus fears; intentional release? What messages are being received; How long will this last? Why has this been released on the planet? complacencies; the “I Am” is love; love conquers fear; music -the international language of love – Italy & Jerusalem; music as a healing vibration and it’s all vibration; enjoy the education on site during this period; ignore, observe & take action; we all pick our entry and exit; health and tips to boost your immune system; tips and tricks to boost your morning; fill the void and much more useful information. Monnica’s special.




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3 Responses to "Awaken with Meria and Monnica"

  1. pbraunschweiler says:

    Thank you Meria and Monnica for all the fabulous information, advice, and guidance! 🥰

  2. Meria says:

    you are most welcome!

  3. mysticjanet says:

    There is a mass awakening happening and it will be good. Except for the …

    M&M are the best. I would offer as a suggestion a double Piscean astrologer, Pam Gregory who has a very spiritual evolution message about these times.

    The virus is here for a reason; how else could it get our attention. Save the earth, animals and human kind if they can sense, hear and see.

    Thank you again for your wonderful insights and solutions!

    Blessings in Love, and Light, MJ

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