
Send In the Clowns with Meria & Dave McGowan – Lincoln Series Continues

7/20/11 Send In the Clowns continues with Meria & Dave McGowan on the Lincoln “trial”. What was the purpose of the Casey Anthony trial? Fukishima ignored in the media, public opinion swayed by the media; Casey’s trial [...]

Golden Oldie: Meria With Gore Vidal-Stolen Elections

6/24/11 Solid Gold from the Meria Heller Show. Meria interviewed Gore Vidal on 6/13/05 on the stolen elections in Ohio and everywhere. Gore is an author,playright and actor. the 2004 Presidential election is discussed; Ohio in 04 a duplicate [...]

Send In the Clowns with Meria & Dave Mc Gowan “Lincoln” continues

6/15/11 Send In the Clowns returns with Meria & Dave McGowan to continue the lunacy of lies/cover up about Lincoln. Hollywood & Politics; The M.O. of our government has not changed since Lincoln; evidence SEALED for 70 years; JFK,RFK,9/11/01 [...]

Send In the Clowns – Meria & Dave McGowan take on Abe Lincoln – part 2

5/18/11 Send In the Clowns continues the series on the Abraham Lincoln story with Meria & Dave McGowan. Charles Manson, mind control; Was John Wilkes Booth the same? Boston Corbett – Jack Ruby of the Lincoln story? What happened to [...]

Send In the Clowns – The Lincoln Series Begins!

4/20/11 Send In the Clowns returns with Meria & Dave McGowan on “The Lincoln Series”. Lincoln’s assassination rolling out by Hollywood, the entertainment arm of the CIA; Idolizing Lincoln? Why? 4/14/1865; multiple layers [...]
