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Meria With Jim Marrs on 9/11/01
7/11/06 Meria interviews Jim Marrs on the 9/11 conspiracy.”Inside Job”; CIA & Bin Laden; Pentagon BOMBED at 9:32 am before the missile hit; was 9/11 an insurance scam? 1984 written in 1948; Enron’s lucky break when Bldg [...]

Meria With Robert Gaylon Ross “The Elite Don’t Dare Let Us Tell the People”
7/6/06 Meria continues the interviews with Gaylon Ross on his book “The Elite Don’t Dare Let Us Tell The People”. Chapter 9; American Union; national sovereignty; fiat money against the Constitution; 2nd amendment; martial [...]

Meria With Dr. Morgan Reynolds – The Lies of 9/11/01
7/5/06 Meria interviews Professor Morgan Reynolds on the lies of 9/11/01.North Korea’s missiles; Ken Lay; Vince Foster; Bldgs 5 & 6; MIHOP; were the videos faked; why did they shred the trees in Shanksville;Waco, Oklahoma City, JFK [...]

Meria With Ty Rauber, Producer “Who Killed John O’Neill”?
7/4/06 Meria Interviews Ty Rauber, producer of the excellent film “Who Killed John O’Neill”. CIA and it’s invention: Islamic Fundamentalism; John O’Neill and the Bin Ladens; Jerome Hauer & Kroll Associates; [...]

Meria With Jerry E. Smith HAARP Program
6/27/06 Show opens with Space Weapons In the Sky;Jerry E. Smith discusses the HAARP project and what it means. Heating the atmosphere by 1,000s of degrees – why? DOD and DARPA; changing radio shapes and the ionosphere; What is ELF? Russia’s [...]