
Cleaning House – Literally

 6/8/17 Meria interviews Myrna Atha and is joined by her daughter Gia too. Myrna is a champion of green clean living. Air, Water,Food, but what about our homes? pollution in our homes and bodies; are you damaging your immune system thinking [...]

Pursuing Happiness with Meria and Adam Shell, Producer

6/15/16 Meria interviews Adam Shell, Documentarian on his film “Pursuing Happiness”. Happiness is an inside job;”Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” – what happened? USA is #23 on the happiness list;80% [...]

Meria With Laurie Handlers – Sex and Happiness

2/3/16 Meria interviews Laurie Handlers, leading expert on happiness and intimacy. With Venus & Valentines Day approaching, perfect timing for a show about sex,intimacy and love. Why is shame involved talking about sex? body shaming;breastfeeding [...]

Meria Interviews Dr.Jack Wolfson on the Measles Panic

2/2/15 Meria Interviews Dr. Jack Wolfson, The Natural Cardiologist seen on CNN,NBC, etc for the truth of what he is saying, not clipped soundbites the propaganda fear media has presented so far;  why he left a million dollar practice and switched [...]

Meria with Dr. John McDougall – Food Poisoning

11/4/14 Meria interviews Dr. John McDougall of the McDougall Health Center on why we are so sick and how to fix it. Early “detection” fuels the cancer business;Can cancer be treated effectively? Do PSA tests, mammograms, etc save [...]
