
Meria with the late Howard Zinn – 14th Amendment

2/26/07 Meria is blessed to have several interviews with the late Howard Zinn. This show deals with his essays, the 14th Amendment, civil disobedience, the holocaust and the silent holocaust. SUBSCRIBE TO LISTEN

Meria With Chalmers Johnson – Last Days of the American Republic

2/18/07 Meria interviews Chalmers Johnson, author the trilogy “Blowback”; “The Sorrows of Empire” and his latest discussed in this show “Nemesis, The Last Days of the American Republic”. Why do they hate [...]

Meria With Eric Jon Phelps – Vatican Assassins Part 2

5/25/06 Part two of the interview by Meria Heller of Eric Jon Phelps author of “Vatican Assassins, Wounded in the House of My Friends”, still the pre-eminent book on the Jesuits. the black Pope; who are members of the Jesuits (some [...]

Meria With Eric Jon Phelps – Vatican Assassins Part 1

5/24/06 Part One of two interviews by Meria Heller with Eric Jon Phelps, author of “Vatican Assassins, Wounded In the House of My Friends” exposing the Jesuits and their agenda for America and the world. The top of the feeding chain- [...]

Meria With Gaylon Ross – The Elite Don’t Dare Let Us Tell the People – continues

4/20/06 Meria interviews Gaylon Ross on the continuing series on his book “The Elite Don’t Dare Let Us Tell The People”. Cecil Rhodes and the Rhodes scholarship; The City inside England; David Rockefeller and the OWO (Rockenfelder); [...]
