
Blood and Guts with Meria and Jack Blood

 3/29/17 Blood and Guts, with Meria and Jack Blood. David Rockefeller is dead but his program lives on-his legacy and progeny; cronyism/nepotism trump; OTrumpa’s fascist regime;Chuck Barris;pizzagate and pedophile rings; divide and conquer;distractionary [...]

Meria With Donald Jeffries: Hidden History

3/31/15 Meria interviews Donald Jeffries on his excellent book “Hidden History,An Expose’ of Modern Crimes, Conspiracies, and Cover-Ups In American Politics”. From the murder of JFK (the mother of all conspiracies) to Barack [...]

Golden Oldie: Meria With Dave McGowan on “Understanding the F Word”

11/16/10 From the vault of “Golden Oldies” of the Meria Heller Show, one of the early interviews with Dave McGowan is airing today. This interview was originally aired 12/25/02. It is as timely today as it was then. A trip to the [...]
