
Meria With Scott Stevens on Chemtrails

4/23/13 Meria has often referred to the info in this interview with Scott Stevens, the Weatherman, now here it is from the golden vault. This show was recorded and aired 6/29/05 and stands up today. Show opens with “Lines In the Sky”; [...]

Meria With Michael Murphy – Why In The World Are They Spraying?

  8/8/12 Meria interviews Michael Murphy, author, producer and director of the MUST HAVE film of the year: “Why In The World Are They Spraying”. Geo-engineering has been going on since the 1800’s, but usage went up in [...]

Meria With Anthony J. Hilder – the Brotherhood of Death

3/20/12 Meria interviews Anthony J. Hilder, journalist, filmmaker on his career and work. We are fed so many lies on a daily basis; the Illuminazi’s; Ron Paul not really in the race; The Republican party – Rockefeller’s private [...]

Meria With Michael Murphy – What In the World Are They Spraying?

8/24/10 Meria Heller interviews Michael J .Murphy, independent journalst, filmmaker and political activist on Chemtrails. Michael is working on a full length move “What In the World Are They Spraying”.These pictures were taken by [...]

Meria With Jim Marrs – Above Top Secret!

8/24/09 Meria interviews Jim Marrs,on his latest book “Above Top Secret” a great primer on conspiracy facts. Jim is the world’s leading conspiracy author. Global financial powers taking over our country; national socialism=the Nazi party, [...]
