
News of Planet of the Apes

11/7/24 News of Planet of the Apes, with Meria Mercury retrograde on deck; the “election”; Russia happy; sexism and racism wins; mortgage rates already rose; Project 2025 on deck; forget about climate; where’s God?; migrants [...]

Meria With the News

10/31/24 Meria With The News MSG fallout continues; Biden; Puerto Rico responds; Bezos & trump quid pro quo; new trump statues pop up; did he threaten Michelle?; ballot box fires & machete wielding trump supporter; people crime; cop [...]

Meria With The News

10/24/24 Meria With The News trump loves Hitler; Tulsi Gabbard joins trump; more sexual accusations against trump; Kamala-trump a fascist; Obama; Eminem; Harris readies for trumps tricks after election; Bill Gates; Elon Dipshit; EColi at McDonalds; [...]

Hell & High Water with Meria & Chuck Ochelli

8/13/23 Hell & High Water with Meria and Chuck Ochelli. 3 weeks into a whole new world; trump endless quest for attention; Willie or Jerry Brown? J.P.Sottile’s work; Biden; DNC; the mental decline of trump; trump calls Harris a bitch [...]
