
Meria With The News

6/13/24 Meria With The News Saudis dump US dollar; Moscow suspends trading in US dollar; Russian warships in Havana Port; SCOTUS upholds abortion pill; IVF and idiots; DeSantis loses; Hunter Biden; G7; people crime; Mr & Mrs Alito’s [...]

Hell & High Water with Meria and Chuck Ochelli

6/11/24 Hell & High Water with Meria & Chuck Ochelli Whatever happened to civility? manners? Why the hate? The Alito’s and secret recordings; homeless dehumanized; devaluing life; you are what you eat; microplastics; todays “food”; [...]

Meria With The News

6/10/24 Meria With The News Evidence trump pays people to be his audience; trumps brain glitches intensify; trumps probation hearing today; trumps campaign of hate; people crime; cop crime; Alex Jones loses; Bannon’s other case; Israeli [...]
