
Meria with Michael Feeley -The Ancient Code

 7/31/18 Meria with Michael Feeley, author of “The Ancient Code, A Serpent Fire”. What makes the controllers “smarter” than the rest? sacred knowledge;Gnostics;the Bible is not literal;Illuminati and the Freemasons;religions;secre [...]

Golden Oldie: Meria with David Icke on the Illuminati

12/25/14 Golden Oldie: Meria with David Icke on the City of London, the Illuminati, Babylon and more. This show originally aired on 6/4/04.  Enjoy.             SUBSCRIBE TO LISTEN     Information you [...]

Meria With Anthony J. Hilder – the Brotherhood of Death

3/20/12 Meria interviews Anthony J. Hilder, journalist, filmmaker on his career and work. We are fed so many lies on a daily basis; the Illuminazi’s; Ron Paul not really in the race; The Republican party – Rockefeller’s private [...]

Golden Oldie: Meria With Jim Marrs – Rule By Secrecy

2/25/11 Another GREAT golden oldie from 5/21/03. Meria Heller interviews Jim Marrs on his book “Rule by Secrecy, The Hidden History that Connects The Trilateral Commission, The Freemasons and the Great Pyramids”. Secret societies; [...]

Goldie Oldie: Meria With Brian Desborough – They Cast No Shadows

1/7/11 Golden Oldie from 5/28/03 : Meria Heller interviewed Brian Desborough on his book “They Cast No Shadows”. The illuminati or globalists; revisionist history; suppressed technology and weapons; the 13 bloodline families own [...]
