
Meria With Patricia Cori Episode 7 of “Hacking The God Code”

10/31/23 Meria With Patricia Cori -Episode 7 of “Hacking the God Code” Israel and forced shots; violence & shots; micro clotting of the brain; what are funeral directors seeing?; changing the frequency of the mind through several [...]

Meria with Patricia Cori – Episode 4 of “Hacking The God Code”

3/29/23 Meria With Patricia Cori -Episode 4 -“Hacking The God Code, The Conspiracy To Steal The Human Soul” The deliberate dangers of AI, robots, trans humanism; becoming borg; cell phones, Alexa; ET’s in plain site; shape [...]

Tragedy and Hope with Meria and Richard Grove

2/17/21 Tragedy and Hope, with Meria & Richard Grove. The one and only Richard Grove is back today. The mess in Texas; infrastructure promises; deliberate lies; indoctrination not education; the plan is a global union; Agenda 21; Polio; [...]
