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Awaken With Meria and Monnica
6/21/22 Awaken With Meria & Monnica.
Moving from anxiety to harmony; lots of tricks of the trade given out today on this Summer Solstice! Connect to the energy! the power of working with the medicine wheel; Reiki One for self healing; Smudging, [...]

Awaken With Meria & Monnica
11/16/21 Awaken With Meria & Monnica.
Raising your frequency; symptoms of ascension; Reiki; pain is to get your attention; the ascension check list; sleep patterns changing; journaling; vision changing; losing time and focus; tinnitus; [...]

Awaken With Meria & Monnica
4/23/19 Awaken With Meria and Monnica. Today is all about Usui Reiki. Learn what Reiki (ray-key) is all about. Hands on healing vs. Reiki – what’s the difference? grounding, centering, protection; Jesus on healing; Reiki positions; [...]

The Bigger Picture with Meria & Michael Reccia
4/3/19 The Bigger Picture with Meria & Michael Reccia. Michael’s new book is here “The Spaces Between,Unseen Forces That Shape Your Life”. this is the last book in the Joseph series; the Field and the Fall; planet set to [...]