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Meria with Patricia Cori – Episode 5 of “Hacking the God Code”
5/2/23 Meria With Patricia Cori -Episode 5 of “Hacking The God Code”
This show is dedicated to my sister Rose Rubino who passed over yesterday; AI is all over the news now that the horse is out of the barn; How do we pull the plug [...]

Meria with Patricia Cori – Episode 4 of “Hacking The God Code”
3/29/23 Meria With Patricia Cori -Episode 4 -“Hacking The God Code, The Conspiracy To Steal The Human Soul”
The deliberate dangers of AI, robots, trans humanism; becoming borg; cell phones, Alexa; ET’s in plain site; shape [...]

Meria with Patricia Cori, author of Hacking The God Code
11/30/22 Meria Interviews author Patricia Cori on her latest (excellent) book: “Hacking The God Code, The Conspiracy To Steal The Human Soul“. Part One.
The most important book of our time; What is the “God Code”? our [...]

Conversations with David Icke & Meria
1/20/16 Conversations with David. Meria with David Icke on his latest book “Phantom Self”. David’s world tour this summer;transhumanism-transphantomism; biological technology; the phantom self is a downloaded sense of identity; [...]

Meria With Daniel Estulin -TransEvolution, The Coming Age of Human Deconstruction
2/18/14 Meria interviews investigative journalist and best selling author Daniel Estulin on his latest mind blowing book “TransEvolution, The Coming Age of Human Deconstruction”. Who are the Bilderbergs and what have they got planned? [...]