
True Science Hour with Meria and James McCanney, M.S.

10/14/15 True Science Hour with Meria and Physicist James McCanney, M.S.; The ruse of our political process; Hillary most dangerous person in the world; Next President;Pope’s visit symbolic; UN agendas to bring in worldwide communism [...]

True Science Hour with Meria and James McCanney

7/15/14 True Science Hour with Meria and James McCanney, Physicist and Mathematician;The world is in chaos by design;weather is a result, not a cause;storms are created by energy from outer space;jet streams;planned drought for California, [...]

Meria With John Loftus – America’s Nazi Secret

6/7/11 Meria interviews John Loftus, former US government prosecutor, former Army officer, author of many books on his latest “America’s Nazi Secret“. 1/3 of modern history is classified! Nazi’s on the CIA payroll dumped [...]
