
Meria With Greg S.Reid “Think and Grow Rich Stickability”

Unknown 3/25/14 Meria Interviews Greg S.Reid on his latest “Think and Grow Rich, Stickability The Power of Perseverance“, authorized by the Napoleon Hill Foundation. Steve Wozniak & Steve Jobs success with Apple, how did they start? embracing what you don’t have; change your story; fear is a man made myth; fantasies vs. realities; what is perseverance? Be scrappy; dream-challenge-victory; self discipline;can leadership be learned? invest in yourself; contribute to something larger than yourself for success; commitment; flexibility; what are you holding on to? releasing negative people in your life; writing your goals down; the secret The Secret missed; words matter;the knowing; relaxed intensity – what is it? getting along with other people; overcoming fears; is poverty a state of mind?





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2 Responses to "Meria With Greg S.Reid “Think and Grow Rich Stickability”"

  1. one4you says:

    6 years ago I was living unemployed in my mothers basement going through a divorce. Lost it all. I am exactly where I chose to be now. Got back on my feet got a good job, moved, met my wife and now I am living the American dream. House, 2 cars, pets, and debt. The CURRENT American dream. with the exception of my wife, stepsons and pets, I do believe I was MUCH happier in my mothers basement. Living off Navy retirement, much less stress. As always you can find happiness or unhappiness in everything, it is up to you.

  2. debalexander2000@aol.com says:

    First thing is you have to show up. Not just once, standing and looking up, waiting for someone else to drop manna from heaven. You have to “show up” every day, with your nose to the grindstone and your whining kept to a minimum. You are a perfect example of that!!!

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