
The Bigger Picture with Meria and Michael Reccia

 8/16/17 The Bigger Picture, with Meria and Michael Reccia of Joseph Speaks.  Are we under attack? stopping us? there is more need for light now than ever; can we turn things around? war between light and darkness; compulsion of conscience;Your existence perception;We’ve forgotten who we are;enlightenment can lead to alienation; the Field is set to negative;protecting your home and body; taught to conform through programming; get into the silence;importance of a circle of like minded people;psychic fairs good or bad? you are never alone; how to create a fortress of light; we attract thought forms that can drain us; cleanse your chakras; healing from a distance; how to hear the real you and more.








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5 Responses to "The Bigger Picture with Meria and Michael Reccia"

  1. pbraunschweiler says:

    Thank you Meria and Michael for this much needed positive show. I was amazed, to say the least, when you talked about feet problems. About two weeks ago I started having pain in my left heel. Since I’m very good at ignoring pain, I didn’t do anything about it until my husband finally said “you should have a doctor check it”. I have Plantar Fasciitis. I have never had it before. Anyway, it’s just crazy that the two of you were talking about foot problems. I’m not interested in taking medication, and my doctor does a High Frequency Vibration Treatment that I will have a couple of more times. It already feels much better. I wish you both a fast and good recovery. Looking forward to the next “The Bigger Picture” Show!

  2. Meria says:

    That’s what they said I had “planter fasciitis”. I iced it, rolled it, taped it, stretched it, it’s way better now. The doctors had no advice to give. Since I did the show I now have 5 friends who are also having problems with their feet!!!! This is not a coincidence for sure. Maybe it’s the frequencies they are wrapped us all up in. Just learning about this 5G shit and it’s pretty dastardly.

  3. pbraunschweiler says:

    The High Frequency Vibration Treatment is working. By the way, I just found out that 2 more people have the same thing. They also never had it before…CRAZY!

  4. sangria075 says:

    Hi, Meria
    I had to add a comment. I, too, have been having pain in my left heel for a couple of months now. First, I had it in my right heel. Now, i have in my left and it won’t go away. It goes away, but comes back, especially, when, I workout at the gym. I massage it with arnica, and it goes away but then, a couple of days later, it returns. It’s a pain in my butt.
    I laughed when, I heard you had the same thing.
    I’m going to work it out. Going to get my foot massages, again.
    Loved the show! Always taking notes.

  5. Meria says:

    there are many other things you can do as I’ve learned: tape the foot with KT tape (youtube it); ice it; soak your feet in water with apple cider vinegar; massage it, stretch it. Get something to roll your feet on – I just ordered a wooden spinner type thing on Amazon. You can also get a soft velcro wrap for the foot and ankle to use while sleeping so the morning agony isn’t so bad. Some muscle creams help too

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