
Meria With Michael Horn-Billy Meier Prophecies

10/21/14 Meria interviews Michael Horn, American Media Representative for Billy Meier on his latest film “He Warned The People, And Did They Listen?“. Let Michael know you are a listener with”Meria” in your order and [...]

Meria With Aaron Kaplan – Return of the Annunaki

   11/1/11  Meria interviews author Aaron Kaplan on his book “Deep Analysis, Frightening Conclusion“. Aaron is a former 35 yr employee of the aerospace/aircraft industry as well as an author. Long time student of UFOlogy Aaron [...]

Goldie Oldie: Meria With Brian Desborough – They Cast No Shadows

1/7/11 Golden Oldie from 5/28/03 : Meria Heller interviewed Brian Desborough on his book “They Cast No Shadows”. The illuminati or globalists; revisionist history; suppressed technology and weapons; the 13 bloodline families own [...]

Meria with Matthew Delooze – the Reptilian Agenda

9/17/07 Matthew DeLooze – the reptilian agenda. His latest book: Is it Me for A Moment? Breaking the Serpent’s Spell”. Nothing will seem the same after this interview. Meria loves Matthew’s work. SUBSCRIBE TO LISTEN
