
Meria with Lee McCormick -Spirit Recovery Medicine Bag

Medicine_Wheel 9/2/14 Meria interviews Lee McCormick,Founder of the Ranch Recovery Center in Nunnely, Tn. and the Canyon Treatment Center in Malibu, Ca, on his book “Spirit Recovery Medicine Bag, A Transformational Guide for Living Happy, Joyous and Free”. Why are we here? Is there an intent behind creation? programmed to “fit in” instead of being authentic;only problem on Earth is humanity; How to live and be a gift to the world; our disconnect and disrespect of nature;what we do our bodies we do to the planet;create your own reality and your reaction to the world;inherited beliefs;taking responsibility; the medicine wheel; a world out of balance;beliefs are imaginary;life is sacred;stop judging yourself;feeding a hungry ghost;immediate gratification vs. a spiritual journey;how you treat your body; how to start your day;is it selfish to love yourself? multi-generational PTSD; genetics; value of ceremony; silent knowledge.






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4 Responses to "Meria with Lee McCormick -Spirit Recovery Medicine Bag"

  1. andyirbuchan says:

    Your Spiritual Shows are some of the Best on the Net.

  2. pbraunschweiler says:

    Loved this show! I already ordered two “Spirit Recovery Medicine Bag” books. One for me and one as a gift. Thanks, Meria and Lee, for this wonderful interview!

  3. Meria says:

    Expect more like it!

  4. Meria says:

    thank you it is my first love….

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