
The Bigger Picture, with Meria and Michael Reccia

 10/18/17 The Bigger Picture, with Meria and Michael Reccia.  Status of the Field, can we still turn it around?how to change things; irradiate light to the Planet;hatred/negativity builds; light comes from the heart; material viewpoint vs. the spiritual viewpoint; remember who you are; religion gives god a bad name; the show “The Good Place”; spiritual science; spiritual death;every family squabbles; don’t have to like someone to love them; who are you? Past life self or present self? spiritual DNA/history;past life vibrations; your life review; separate your thoughts from conditioning; the head mind vs. the heart mind; no thought lives in isolation; silence gives you a different vibration and more.








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One Response to "The Bigger Picture, with Meria and Michael Reccia"

  1. pbraunschweiler says:

    WOW! Monnica followed by Michael…Thank you Meria for these two uplifting and positive shows, and for everything. hugs

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