
Awaken with Meria & Monnica

7/17/18 Awaken With Meria & Monnica. Another fun, informative show. Take your power back; you create your reaction to the external world; cause and effect; convert energy; reality and reaction; let anger fuel your fire;Rose Quartz, joy;How to get in balance; laughter and music; the “apps”;crystals and pebbles; nature and depression;loss of the sacred; rituals for us; reclaim your life; color therapy; there is no age limit to having fun; you are responsible for your own happiness;Sound is very powerful; chanting;tons and vibration; from Om to the Hu and lots more.










19th Year on the net! Education you don’t get anywhere else – commercial/censor free because of your subscription. Support truly independent media -endorsed by David Icke. All downloadable.

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2 Responses to "Awaken with Meria & Monnica"

  1. cpowell says:

    Another great show!! Loved all the helpful tips!!!! Great reminder about chanting, reclaiming your power and watching your words!

  2. Meria says:

    Glad you enjoyed it. we did too!

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