
Blood & Guts with Meria and Jack Blood

3/22/23  Blood & Guts, with Meria and Jack Blood. This pic shows how long Jack and I have been working together to bring you truth; weapons of mass distractions; power grid attacks, train derailments – who benefits? regulations to [...]

Blood and Guts with Meria and Jack Blood

4/5/22 Blood & Guts, with Meria and Jack Blood. Jack’s return to the airways – support him at PayPal -JackBlood@hotmail.com; Thursday night show; stolen elections; todays “podcasters”; Bernie; why no accountability [...]

Blood and Guts, with Meria & Jack Blood

6/30/20 Blood & Guts, with Meria & Jack Blood. Coronavirus vs. Covid19; back in the 90’s people said we were crazy; 9/11/01; PNAC; people prove easy to control; surveilling yourself; defund the police; CHAZ in Seattle; George [...]

Blood and Guts with Meria and Jack Blood

5/20/20 Blood & Guts, with Meria & Jack Blood. Michigan floods and trumps threats; Postmaster general replaced by crony – vote by mail? election fraud; replay of 2016; Biden; Weld; Amash; solutions; new “norm”? freedom? [...]

Blood & Guts! With Meria and Jack Blood

3/31/20 Blood & Guts, with Meria and Jack Blood. Jack’s back after 3 yrs! Jack and Meria have worked together for 22 years; from the stolen election of 2000 to the police state coronavirus we leave nothing out. The economic crash [...]
