
Golden Oldie: Meria With Gore Vidal-Stolen Elections

6/24/11 Solid Gold from the Meria Heller Show. Meria interviewed Gore Vidal on 6/13/05 on the stolen elections in Ohio and everywhere. Gore is an author,playright and actor. the 2004 Presidential election is discussed; Ohio in 04 a duplicate [...]

Meria With John Loftus – America’s Nazi Secret

6/7/11 Meria interviews John Loftus, former US government prosecutor, former Army officer, author of many books on his latest “America’s Nazi Secret“. 1/3 of modern history is classified! Nazi’s on the CIA payroll dumped [...]

Solid Golden Oldie: Meria With Dr. Helen Caldicott – Real Nuclear Danger

12/11/10 From the Golden Vault of great shows with Meria Heller, today you are able to hear the show Meria did on her 2nd anniversary of her online show 7/31/02. This show is with Dr.Helen Caldicott on her excellent (albeit scary) book “The [...]

Meria With Russ Baker – “Family of Secrets, the Bush Dynasty”

6/25/09 Meria interviews Russ Baker on his excellent book “Family of Secrets, the Bush Dynasty, the Powerful Forces that Put It In The White House, And What Their Influence Means For America”. The internet and education; the mass media shutout [...]

Meria With Erik Orion – Who is George H.W. Bush really? (Meria was the first to interview Erik)

9/19/07 For some folks, this is a NEW story. Meria covered it in 2007. Is George H.W. Bush really George H. Scherff Jr, the son of Nikola Tesla’s accountant?  Interesting stuff….. SUBSCRIBE TO LISTEN
