
Meria With Dr.Neal Barnard “Your Body In Balance”

1/29/20 Meria with Dr.Neal Barnard, President of Physicians for Responsible Medicine. Today we talk about his latest book to be released Feb. 4 “Your Body In Balance:The New Science of Food, Hormones, and Health”. Human hormones [...]

Meria with Dr. Neal Barnard -Reversing Diabetes

3/27/19 Meria interviews Dr.Neal Barnard on his book “Dr.Neal Barnard’s Program for Reversing Diabetes“. What Dr.Barnards earlier book on Breaking the Food Seduction did for Meria; the epidemic of diabetes; will everyone get [...]

Cleaning House – Literally

 6/8/17 Meria interviews Myrna Atha and is joined by her daughter Gia too. Myrna is a champion of green clean living. Air, Water,Food, but what about our homes? pollution in our homes and bodies; are you damaging your immune system thinking [...]

Pursuing Happiness with Meria and Adam Shell, Producer

6/15/16 Meria interviews Adam Shell, Documentarian on his film “Pursuing Happiness”. Happiness is an inside job;”Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” – what happened? USA is #23 on the happiness list;80% [...]

Meria With Laurie Handlers – Sex and Happiness

2/3/16 Meria interviews Laurie Handlers, leading expert on happiness and intimacy. With Venus & Valentines Day approaching, perfect timing for a show about sex,intimacy and love. Why is shame involved talking about sex? body shaming;breastfeeding [...]
