
Meria With Dr. Kerry Crofton – Wireless Radiation and What To Do About It

8/10/10 Meria Heller interviews Dr. Kerry Crofton, author of “Wireless Radiation Rescue” ; Tests for human safety? gifting a cell phone to a child; Every 3-5 minutes your phone emits radiation waves; wire connected safest;arches [...]

Meria With Dr. John MacDougall – Indigestion

4/1/09 Meria with Dr. John McDougall on his latest book “Digestive Tune-Up”. What his patients taught him; from a stroke to windsurfing – how does he do it? The power of cheap food – amazing!; save money and your health; Informed [...]

Meria With Shelly Kalnitsky – Cell Phones and Your Health!

2/29/08 Meria interviews Shelly Kalnitsky of cprnews.com about cell phone dangers. Is that call giving you a tumor? the laws on cell phone and driving; feel heat, headaches, short term memory loss, loss of sleep?; wired headsets 3x the radiation; [...]

Meria With Dr. Bernie Siegel “Love, Magic & Mudpies – Our kids!”

3/20/07 Meria interviews one of her favorite healers – Bernie Siegel, M.D. on his book “Love, Magic & Mudpies, Raising Your Kids to Feel Loved, Be Kind, and Make a Difference”. love and laughter and your kids. Fabulous [...]

Meria With Gwen Olsen “Confessions of an RX Drug Pusher”

8/8/06 This is something everyone needs to hear. Meria interviews Gwen Olsen on her excellent informative book “Confessions of an RX Drug Pusher, God’s Call to Loving Arms”. what’s in your medi-sin cabinet? drug interactions; [...]
