
Solid Gold: Meria with Kitty Kelley on the Bush Dynasty

10/20/15 After 10 years finally able to reconstruct this fabulous interview with Kitty Kelley on her book “The Family.The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty”. Her own family gave her crap over the book; lost her job on the Washingtonian [...]

Send In the Clowns with Meria and Dave McGowan

4/21/15 Send In the Clowns with Meria and Dave McGowan. Back to the Lincoln assassination (why so little in the press?); No fanfare on the 150th anniversary, nor the 2nd anniv of Boston Bombing; the tie ins with all false flags – same [...]

Tragedy and Hope with Meria and Richard Grove

10/29/14 Tragedy and Hope with Meria and Richard Grove. Higher education, how much we don’t know; nothing wrong with the dark ages? Were they really dark? Carol Quigley “Tragedy and Hope” plan to economically cripple USA; [...]

Meria with Producer Art Olivier on Ley Lines and False Flags

7/22/14 Meria  interviews Art Olivier, Producer of “Operation Terror” on his recent work. In false flags bodies are killed prior to crash (Ukraine, 911); always a lack of evidence and trial; rush to get rid of evidence (9/11/01); [...]

Meria and James Hufferd , Troublesome Country

5/20/14 Meria interviews James Hufferd, historian on his book “Troublesome Country, Why We Need to Live Up to Our Creed: A History of War, Injustice and Greed”. Corporate personhood has existed since post civil war era; The American [...]
