
Awaken With Meria & Monnica

9/21/21 Awaken With Meria & Monnica. Earth, the experimental Planet; loads of fear and confusion; finding balance and peace of mind; Choice matters; free will; protect your third chakra; We’re here for a good time, not a long time; [...]

Awaken With Meria & Monnica

3/16/21 Awaken with Meria & Monnica. Inner Peace, you can have it if you want it; this life is an illusion that comes and goes; changing your reactions to people, issues; raising your frequency; Love is love; watch your internal dialogue; [...]

The Bigger Picture with Meria and Michael Reccia

8/5/20 The Bigger Picture with Meria and Michael Reccia. Michael Reccia is back discussing his latest book “The Spaces Between, Unseen Forces That Shape Your Life”; Michael’s youtube channel; The Persian Gentlemen; message [...]

The Bigger Picture with Meria & Michael Reccia

4/8/20 The Bigger Picture with Meria and Michael Reccia. Meria interviews Michael Reccia on his latest book “The Spaces Between,Unseen Forces that Shape Your Life”. The coronavirus; whipping up the fear makes it stronger, what can [...]

Awaken With Meria and Monnica

2/18/20 Awaken With Meria & Monnica. How to achieve peace among the chaos; lots of sickness this year; The state of the world needn’t be the state of your life; eliminate self criticism; fear is the absence of love; What?Me Worry? [...]
