
Awaken With Meria and Monnica

10/19/21 Awaken With Meria  & Monnica. Todays theme is “Prosperity As Our Divine Right”; focus matters; we are unlimited; connect to love; importance of self love; watch your thoughts and words; focus on the inside not the [...]

Meria With Deane Waldman, MD,MBA – Curing the Cancer in U.S. Healthcare

10/5/21 Meria With Deane Waldman, MD, MBA -Curing the Cancer in U.S. Healthcare Dr. Waldman joins Meria to discuss his book “Curing the Cancer in U.S. Healthcare, StatesCare & Market-Based Medicine”. Who is this book for? medicine [...]

Awaken With Meria & Monnica

9/21/21 Awaken With Meria & Monnica. Earth, the experimental Planet; loads of fear and confusion; finding balance and peace of mind; Choice matters; free will; protect your third chakra; We’re here for a good time, not a long time; [...]

Awaken With Meria & Monnica

8/17/21 Awaken With Meria & Monnica. Peace among the chaos; Reiki and distance healing; symbols all around us; how to help in bad situations; What’s going on in Australia; laughter heals; focus on love; rights to your own body; pandemic [...]

The Bigger Picture, with Meria & Michael Reccia

8/4/21 The Bigger Picture with Meria & Michael Reccia. How to combat the fear thrown at us 24/7; segregation of vaccinated & un-vaccinated; spirituality being suppressed deliberately; the light within is unstoppable; raise vibrations; [...]
