
Meria with Jonathan Simon – Code Red

9/5/18 Meria interviews Jonathan Simon, Election Forensic Analyst, author of “Code Red, Computerized Elections and the War on American Democracy”. Did trump “win”? where’s the proof? election counting in secrecy; [...]

The Best Democracy Money Can Buy- Greg Palast & Zach Roberts

11/2/16 Meria interviews Greg Palast and Zach Roberts on the excellent film “The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, A Tale of Billionaires and Ballot Bandits”. A must see. Donald’s right – the election is rigged -but by the [...]

Blood & Guts with Meria and Jack Blood

7/19/16 Blood & Guts with Meria and Jack Blood.This is the last episode after 16 years of Blood & Guts. Jack is off to happier pastures. He’s been my great friend besides co-host all these years from when he produced my radio [...]

Golden Oldie: Meria With Gore Vidal-Stolen Elections

6/24/11 Solid Gold from the Meria Heller Show. Meria interviewed Gore Vidal on 6/13/05 on the stolen elections in Ohio and everywhere. Gore is an author,playright and actor. the 2004 Presidential election is discussed; Ohio in 04 a duplicate [...]

Meria With Clint Curtis -Whistleblower on Voting Machine Fraud

5/9/06 Clint Curtis, whistleblower on the voting machines flipping votes interviewed by Meria Heller.  Testified to this in Court and still nothing is done. Asked by Tom Feeney to design a program to FLIP the vote; stolen election of 2000; [...]
