
Alfred Webre
Meria Heller interviews futurist and author Alfred Lambremont Webre of “Exopolitics, Politics, Government and Law in the Universe“. Is the oil spill intentional? Rico Laws and false flags; environmental war; money from misery;9/11 false flag; April 20th a busy day in history; Halliburton’s corporate takeover of Boots & Coots; disaster capitalism; geo-political agenda; depopulation exercise; Katrina – a test run; Illuminati tarot 1995; DARPA whistleblowers; Project Pegasus; time travel; future helping the past; 2045-positive future; time travel; Rumsfeld; ecocide; alien abductions; reptilian hybrids; JP Morgan Chase big investor in BP; Halliburtons FEMA camps; teleportation; earth in quarantine; we live in a multi-universe; Alfred in 1971 an enemy of the state; time travel for political surveillance; accessing the time-space hologram; how to break the quarantine and reintegrate with the Universe and much more.