
Conversations with David Icke & Meria


1/20/16 Conversations with David. Meria with David Icke on his latest book “Phantom Self”. David’s world tour this summer;transhumanism-transphantomism; biological technology; the phantom self is a downloaded sense of identity; Your avatar;NDE’s;visible light is limiting;flip everything you “know” (the opposite of accepted truth);are we living in a simulation? school is a prison for kids;assembly line programming;truth tellers/intuitives marginalized;the world is inverted;what is the key to withdrawing from the matrix? paranormal is perfectly normal;manifesting a frequency;ignorance is a human disease;the arrogance of ignorance and much more.





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5 Responses to "Conversations with David Icke & Meria"

  1. ScottHall says:

    Fantastic internet cast Meria!
    Yes! This trans-humanistic agenda is hugely critical to understanding our future. Whether it’s eugenic or technological is beside the point but it must be recognized as real. The “running program” that most of the “sleeping sheeple” are locked into have not see it. At least, not yet…
    I presume the “Phantom Self” will unlock that perception deception of recognizing these things that are/will be among us? Cool! Can’t wait until Groundhog Day to pick up a copy…
    David doesn’t seem to give you much room to talk or interact. I guess when you’re on a roll, you’re on a roll…
    Thank you Meria!

  2. Meria says:

    that’s okay. I talk enough the other days! lol David’s always got so much to say and I like to listen. Yes, time grows short for sure.

  3. debalexander2000@aol.com says:

    I credit my long association with you and your show, and all your amazing guests, for expanding my awareness. One very simple first step to moving just a tiny bit off the “assembly line” is to give yourself permission to stop worrying (or even caring) about what other people think of you. Talk about granting yourself personal power to design your own life. I can attest to the fact that you may very well lose some long-time friends along the way, but the new ones you pick up with be TRUE friends. The first step is the hardest. After that, it’s all about having fun on this ride we call life. You remain a shining example of this – you report the most dire news coming from around the world, yet you can still laugh your ass off (and make us laugh) at the drop of a hat.

  4. Meria says:

    thanks for hanging in for the “end of the republic” (Obama’s speech)…why not laugh? Crying won’t accomplish anything. hugs

  5. guygirard says:

    Brilliant, and he’s right about 2016,17,18 going for it . Too late after that

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