
Meria With Valerie Heller, Clinical Consultant

 1/22/17 Meria Interviews Valerie Heller, Clinical Consultant, Grassroots Organizer;Val was at the protest in NYC yesterday; why? diversity; families with small babies in attendance; estimates 25% male; men chanting for women’s rights; what was the march about? Not against but for something; civil rights; trump’s speech”our people” who was he speaking about? last gasp for white male rule; Liberal (liberty) democracy vs. autocratic democracy; not ok to demonize the press or a group of people; demoralizing people; harm to children;abused become abusers;the Millennials;”free Melania”-is she abused? all the women surrounding trump look like Barbie dolls -why? lack of emotional expression; trumps pathology; referring to his own daughter as a “piece of ass”; 5 white men took it away from Hillary;99% bi-racial in USA;don’t believe slogans and much more.








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5 Responses to "Meria With Valerie Heller, Clinical Consultant"

  1. gaston says:

    Great show as usual. A pat on the back from us men that don’t feel the least bit threatened by girl power. What’s more – if we’re going to build a better world YOU ladies are going to be the driving force of it all, with hopefully as much support from us males as is necessary. Millions coming out to protest stuff, and not one car set on fire, not one window broken, and not one order follower in uniform making an arrest. This can only happen when WOMEN are in charge. And it’s the way to go, because the nasties have no ammunition to discredit the movement with when no violence occurs.

  2. Meria says:

    thank you. I agree, it’s past time for female energy to take over. hugs

  3. Meria says:

    Ciao Meria,
    this is really an excellent show. I could imagine everything that has been going on
    the Sunday’s protest. Such quality conversation is hard to find nowadays, with all
    smartphones and computers with which people interact more than with other
    human beings…it was very refreshing to hear you two talking.
    It really miss good talks, where people are open-minded, brain active,
    express their opinion based on something they researched and saw
    and experienced, and not only something they were told to.
    and don’t check their phones every five minutes.

    I wish you a beautiful day
    Un abbraccio forte

  4. pbraunschweiler says:

    Thank you Meria Heller and Valeria Heller for this inspiring, interesting and intelligent show! Much admiration and respect to both of you…

  5. Meria says:

    thank you Pat! hugs!

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