
Meria With Carl Helvie RN, DrPH -You Can Beat Lung Cancer


12/17/13 Meria interviews Carl Helvie, RN, DrPH, health practitioner, host of the Holistic Health Show and author of “You Can Beat Lung Cancer Using Alternative/Integrative Interventions”. At the age of 42 he was given six months to live, he’s 81 now and on no medications and suffers no chronic illness – is he an exception? Do you want to be? This show is for all people looking to be healthy and avoid cancers of any kind. Carl’s story vs. his brother’s story; Laetrile-apricot kernels; Essiac and Meria’s successes with it; only 11% of people over 65 are on no meds and have no chronic illness, the % worsens after 75; Healing today is all about the money, not health; listening to your dreams, is it silly? following your dreams literally; diet and exercise tips; juicing; organics; the “war” on cancer hasn’t improved a drop in 50 years; how many bowel movements are a sign of good health? learning to love yourself; the power of positive thinking and so much more. NEVER take a doctors death sentence to heart.






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8 Responses to "Meria With Carl Helvie RN, DrPH -You Can Beat Lung Cancer"

  1. one4you says:

    One of the most important shows for me personally since I started listening almost 2 years ago. I bought Mr. Helvie’s book within the first 20 minutes of listening. I personally have not experienced cancer but have lost relatives in the past 10 years that trusted the current treatments of big Medicine and Pharma. My cousin had breast cancer, multiple tumors. I had told my mom to have her look into alternative medicine, DO NOT CUT on it. My cousin was a newly graduated registered nurse and believed in the system. After double mastectomy, chemo, radiation, cancer free for 6 months on paper, it moved to her brain. I knew there was a better way, thanks Meria for all you do.

  2. Meria says:

    thank you. I’ve covered health issues for years now, cancer being only one of them. People that trust chemo have no idea what they are doing.

  3. debalexander2000@aol.com says:

    Great show. I am among the 11% of senior citizens who is not on any pharmaceuticals. I give you much of the credit for the healthy lifestyle I have adopted because of all the great guests and news-show reports you have presented for the past 13+ years. Of course, I have to give MYSELF a lot of credit for being willing to listen and take the action steps.

  4. Meria says:

    I only give the info, you did the work! Yay.

  5. waterborn says:

    just listened to the show.. really inspiring… thank you both

  6. Meria says:

    You are most welcome. Check out the interview with Rick Simpson.

  7. waterborn says:

    your really are a ocean of great knowledge. . Rick Simpson show spot on…ordered book which has arrived and i’m half way thru.. big thanks Meria and Rick… between you Joseph and Rick and indigenous people we sure could have a better experience on this beautiful planet.. hello x

  8. Meria says:

    Glad you’re enjoying the information!

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