
Meria With Scott Stevens on Chemtrails

4/23/13 Meria has often referred to the info in this interview with Scott Stevens, the Weatherman, now here it is from the golden vault. This show was recorded and aired 6/29/05 and stands up today. Show opens with “Lines In the Sky”; [...]

Golden Oldie: Meria With Kris Milligan -Fleshing Out Skull And Bones

1/29/13 Golden Oldie: Meria with Kris Milligan, editor of  “Fleshing Out Skull & Bones, America’s Most Powerful Secret Society”. This show was originally aired on 4/6/04 and with John Kerry (Skull & Bones) back in [...]

Send In the Clowns with Meria & Dave Mc Gowan “Lincoln” continues

6/15/11 Send In the Clowns returns with Meria & Dave McGowan to continue the lunacy of lies/cover up about Lincoln. Hollywood & Politics; The M.O. of our government has not changed since Lincoln; evidence SEALED for 70 years; JFK,RFK,9/11/01 [...]

Meria With John Loftus – America’s Nazi Secret

6/7/11 Meria interviews John Loftus, former US government prosecutor, former Army officer, author of many books on his latest “America’s Nazi Secret“. 1/3 of modern history is classified! Nazi’s on the CIA payroll dumped [...]

Meria With William Rodriguez – A true hero of 9/11/01

5/19/11   Meria interviews “the last man out” of 9/11/01 – William Rodriguez – HERO. This is a very intense show. “remember remember the 11th of September, the day of our government’s treason”; William [...]
