
Meria With Donald Jeffries

7/8/20 Meria With Donald Jeffries We talk about the news and how his books “Survival of the Richest” and “Bullyocracy” apply; stimulus money to the rich and cronies; the king of bullies-trump; Lt.Col. Vindman resigns [...]

Meria With Donald Jeffries – Bullyocracy & Survival of the Richest

5/13/20 Meria With Donald Jeffries, Bullyocracy and Survival of the  Richest. Author Donald Jeffries joins Meria once again to discuss his books and what’s going on in America today with the Covid 19.I highly recommend BOTH books. Suicides [...]

Meria With Donald Jeffries – Bullyocracy

  4/1/20 Meria With Donald Jeffries – Bullyocracy Donald Jeffries returns to discuss his latest book “Bullyocracy, How the Social Hierarchy Enables Bullies to Rule Schools, Work Places and Society at Large”. Another must [...]

Meria With Donald Jeffries – Crimes & Cover Ups in American Politics

12/13/19 Meria with Donald Jeffries “Crimes & Cover Ups in American Politics 1776-1963“; Crushing dissent and free speech on “social media”; money buys social media; Harvey Weinstein-two sets of laws; our system [...]

Meria With Donald Jeffries-Crimes & Cover Ups in American Politics

10/30/19 Meria with Donald Jeffries on his excellent book “Crimes & Cover Ups In American History, 1776-1963”. Today we revisit the Lindbergh kidnapping. Why? If you don’t know history you can’t see it repeating itself [...]
