
The Bigger Picture with Meria and Michael Reccia

2/6/19 The Bigger Picture, with Meria and Michael Reccia. Michael’s new book soon to be released; parallel realms; Core IQ; what is intelligence? interacting with this world and others; illusion of reality; heart and mind; Earth is talking; everything is talking; are you listening? harmony and love; respect the Earth; human survival; what is love? the negative collective consciousness and how to avoid it; “social” media? why are people so angry? The Ballad of John & Yoko; miracles – are they real? Devas, the animal kingdom; oneness with all; personal responsibility; make a difference; your home and lots more.









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One Response to "The Bigger Picture with Meria and Michael Reccia"

  1. pbraunschweiler says:

    As usual, “The Bigger Picture” was a welcome break from all of the craziness going on. As far as “Social Media” goes, I deactivated my FB Account a year ago. I realized after the first few days that it really is a kind of addiction. I forced myself to stay away. I am so happy that I did because it got me back to living and enjoying the moment without feeling the need to post it on FB. I seriously wonder if people realize that they are more concerned about sharing an experience than actually living it. Thank you Meria and Michael for sharing your wisdom, and I look forward to the next time.

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