
The Bigger Picture with Meria and Michael Reccia


5/14/14 The Bigger Picture returns with Meria and Michael Reccia. Very uplifting and informative show. How to deal with bullies and the PTSD they cause;What about assisted suicide and the soul? What about choosing suicide? Do we hold back people with drugs and emotions at the time of their death? trapped in an envelope of illusion;”What Dreams May Come” and “Heaven Is For Real”; how to prepare for Earth changes;the outcome is not absolute YET; drawing on the god within;love is the answer;love is what we are;the danger of complexity;you are angels;creativity;what about sin? actions cause consequences;there is no judgement from god-we are fragments of god; the various levels of existence on the “other side” and much more. Don’t get attached the madness of this illusion, work your spiritual mettle.






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4 Responses to "The Bigger Picture with Meria and Michael Reccia"

  1. pbraunschweiler says:

    Thank you Meria and Michael for this wonderful show filled with positive and powerful messages! I’m reading “The Joseph Communications: Revelation”, and thoroughly enjoying it!I thought of one more song of John Lennon that seems appropriate…”All You Need Is LOVE”…

  2. debalexander2000@aol.com says:

    I think the best advice I am taking from this show is that “right” is quite literally always simple, that we seem to keep making things unnecessarily complex. It reminds me of your books – always “cutting to the chase.”

  3. Patricia says:

    Great show Meria! I always look forward to your shows with Michael. His messages offer much needed balance and hope to what often seems like a dismal state of affairs. Thank you for including my question. I already have another one ready for the next time! 😀

  4. Meria says:

    Send your questions in anytime! I love Michaels work.

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