
Meria With Dr.Neal Barnard “Your Body In Balance”

1/29/20 Meria with Dr.Neal Barnard, President of Physicians for Responsible Medicine. Today we talk about his latest book to be released Feb. 4 “Your Body In Balance:The New Science of Food, Hormones, and Health”. Human hormones and animal hormones; Hormone haywire; Estrogens and Testosterones; Cancer, Diabetes, Endometriosis; thyroid; mood swings; infertility; dementia; cheese & fats; non dairy milks; healthy proteins of soy; misconceptions about soy; ED & narrow blood vessels; the film “GameChangers”; high fiber vegan; transition foods healthier; insulin resistance; what about supplements? seafood? better have good insurance; HRT and bio-identicals and much more. “Let Food Be Thy Medicine”.






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4 Responses to "Meria With Dr.Neal Barnard “Your Body In Balance”"

  1. karolina says:

    Dear Meria, I loved this show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dr. Barnard is also one of my favourite persons in this world. I watch him often on youtube (as well as Dr McDougall) , and is always a good reminder when I want to “slip” from my vegan path. Fab show! I preordered his hew book, they start to sell it on 04.02.2020 in Europe. Can´t wait to read it! I was also happy to hear him “breaking the soy myth” saying that soy is not bad for us, and it even helps because women who consume it tend to get less cancer (30% less) than other people. And his and yours humour are so precious!! Thank you again, I do not post often, but I was so delighted to hear him. Thank you for all the wonderful work you do, it is such a privilege to be a part of your spiritual group and have access to all these precious information which can help to (litearally) save one´s life.
    Much Love and Light to you, baci e abbracci from Italy. <3

  2. Meria says:

    Glad you enjoyed it, I did too. He’s brilliant!
    This one show is worth the price of admission!

  3. mysticjanet says:

    I really enjoyed the show. It was a good update on what they have learned now.
    I found the fat cells changes with diabetes very interesting as it starts to explain some of symptoms when getting off the wrong lifestyle.
    I still go. Back and forth but like your other subscriber mentioned she watches them on you tube to keep with the program. So that’s a great idea.
    I personally have such a problem with the neighbors who think I’m bonkers. Being organic and mostly vegan, I get tired. Explaining but they don’t care and since they are older than me what should they care. So I’m just an excuse girl as to why I can’t attend. And I do have an herbal remedy from my friend up in WA that helps to minimize the effects of having to eat with them.
    Blessings, MJ

  4. Meria says:

    Thanks! I love him too.

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