
Meria With Jesse Ventura – American Conspiracies

3/17/10 Awesome interview with Jesse Ventura, Former Governor, Wrestler, Author & TV host on his latest book “American Conspiracies“. You won’t hear an interview like this anywhere else! How the book is being received; The flack from [...]

Meria With Daniel Horne – Accidental Felons Sheriff Joe & Andrew Thomas

1/13/10 Meria interviews Daniel Horne, author of “Accidental Felons, And Then They Came For Us”. What happened to Daniel in Arizona can happen to any of us; exposing the danger of Andrew Thomas and Sheriff Arpaio on the legislature and [...]

Send In the Clowns – with Meria & Dave McGowan – Wagging the Moon Doggie

1/5/10 Latest “Send In the Clowns” with Meria & Dave McGowan. Reactions to Dave’s Moon series, why the violent reaction? the moon mission and Laurel Canyon; Are the military children rock groups and the Apollo missions connected? [...]

Meria With Kevin Trudeau – The Weight Loss Cure

12/23/09 Meria interviews Kevin Trudeau, author of “The Weight Loss Cure” and “Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About”. The link between big pharma and food industries; food designed to make you fat and sick; Kevin’s whistleblowing [...]

Send In the Clowns – with Meria & Dave McGowan -Moon Madness

11/25/09 Latest “Send In the Clowns” with Meria & Dave McGowan. The Moon story continues getting more implausible as we go along; the moon documentaries on Netflix; “Moon Machines”, 6 part Science Channel series; astronaut Jim Lovell [...]
