
Tragedy and Hope with Meria and Richard Grove, Historian

4/30/24 Tragedy and Hope with Meria & Richard Grove, Historian. Student protests; Gov Abbot all about free speech except for Israel; Kent State; snipers, rubber bullets, chemical weapons on our students; the ethnic cleansing by any other [...]

Tragedy and Hope with Meria & Richard Grove

Tragedy and Hope with Meria & Richard Grove. 11/8/23 WW3? Censorship-only one sides message gets out; ethnic cleaning; political zionism; colonization; America’s 3 empires/history; Israel’s genocide; collective punishment; NABKA; [...]

Meria With Miko Peled – Day of the Catastrophe

5/15/19 Meria Interviews Miko Peled, Israeli-American activist, author, speaker on Palestinian Nakba Day, and Israeli Independence Day. Following the path of the Buddha; the destruction of Palestine by white supremacist racists; the creation [...]

Meria With Cynthia McKinney – An American Patriot!

8/10/09 Meria interviews former 6 term Congresswoman, Green Party Candidate for President 2008, Cynthia McKinney. The nomination of Barack Obama and his party; torture, rendition, war and occupation continues in a nicer face; bailouts; no such [...]

Meria With Phillip Tourney – Survivor of Israel’s attack on the U.S.S. Liberty

2/6/08 Meria interviews a survivor of Israel’s attack on the U.S.S. Liberty, Phillip Tourney. Hear the story from someone that was THERE; PTSD; Israeli’s and our government stabbed their own in the back; Recon planes clearly marked with [...]
