
Meria with Robert Wheeler, CPA on The Money Nerve

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10/8/14 Meria interviews Robert Wheeler, CPA on his book “The Money Nerve, Navigating the Emotions of Money”.  If you don’t think your emotions are in play where money is concerned, think again;triggers when it comes to money;don’t get scared get educated;the blame game;living within a budget;why do people see a budget as a negative?;your money vs. your worth;”less than”; credit cards vs. cash;good money habits;reconcile your accounts;the fear of the IRS;overwhelmed by bills;how to change your story where money is concerned;sabotaging yourself;self fulfilling prophecies – watch your words;the fear of success;how to break out of paycheck to paycheck; how to ask for a raise;financial and mental mapping;realistic goals; contingency plans;and much more.









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