
Send In the Clowns – Meria & Dave McGowan -Laurel Canyon

6/22/09 Latest episode of Send in the Clowns with Meria & Dave. The saga of Laurel Canyon continues. Why has this story been hidden all these years? Dave & Laurel Canyon; Who were these people? Who were their fathers? Gene Clark – [...]

Meria With Ed Haslam – Dr.Mary’s Monkey

5/26/09 Meria Interviews Ed Haslam, author of the fabulous book “Dr.Mary’s Monkey“. Ed’s been in the middle of this story his whole life; what you hear will shock you; monkey viruses and cancer in labs in the 1950′s and 1960’s; AIDS [...]

Meria With Dick Russell “On the Trail of the JFK Assassins”

3/4/09 Meria interviews Dick Russell on his latest JFK book “On the Trail of the JFK Assassins, A Groundbreaking Look at America’s Most Infamous Conspiracy”.  45 years and we still don’t have the truth of 11/22/63. Some records sealed [...]

Meria With David Blume – How To Fight Big Oil & Fix The Planet

12/1/08 Meria’s 3rd segment with David Blume, permaculturist, author of “Alcohol Can Be A Gas“. Ethanol and the atmosphere; we are living on a wisp on a ball travelling through space; alcohol is 98% pollution free compared to gasoline; [...]

Meria With Permaculturist David Blume – Alcohol Can Be a Gas (part 1)

10/6/08 David Blume joins Meria to discuss his excellent book “Alcohol Can Be A Gas, Fueling an Ethanol Revolution for the 21st Century”. This book dispels a lot of myths about ethanol. What did Washington do to early patriots? Alcohol [...]
