
Tragedy and Hope with Meria and Richard Grove

7/21/15 Tragedy and Hope with Meria and Richard Grove. Check out his latest videos at youtube; understanding who Wesley Clark is;the Agenda of Rhode Scholars;very un-American;ISIS-an Anglo-American creation;Silk Road and Ross Ulbrich-life in [...]

Tragedy and Hope with Meria and Richard Grove

1/27/15 Tragedy and Hope with Meria and Richard Grove. Technocracy. Richards interview/video with William Binney, 36 yr veteran of the NSA, Whistleblower;the demise of privacy and rights in the US and worldwide;all planned;Stasi totalitarian [...]

Tragedy and Hope with Meria and Richard Grove

10/29/14 Tragedy and Hope with Meria and Richard Grove. Higher education, how much we don’t know; nothing wrong with the dark ages? Were they really dark? Carol Quigley “Tragedy and Hope” plan to economically cripple USA; [...]

Tragedy and Hope with Meria and Richard Grove

8/26/14 Tragedy and Hope with Meria and Richard Grove. The freedom triangle; 15 yrs of freedom on the net;Freedom is being eliminated, why and by whom? living through history;learn the fabric of human history to understand;control the population;dumbing [...]

Tragedy and Hope with Meria & Richard & Lisa

6/17/14 Tragedy and Hope with Meria, Richard Grove and Lisa Arbecheski; how true is the movie “The Wolf of Wall Street”; Jordan Belcourt a symptom of Wall Street not the cause; suckers game;repeating patterns in history; who made [...]
