
Meria With Donald Jeffries-Survival of the Richest

7/24/18 Meria with author Donald Jeffries on the book everyone needs to read “Survival of the Richest” explaining the class warfare that’s been going on in America forever. All by design. The real problems and the real enemies;millionaires are now part of the 99%;the new Guilded Age for the super elite;draining the workers dry;caste system in America;slavery in America;$12 billion taxpayer bailout for farmers thanks to trump;$38 billion to Israel?war on poverty over? for who? 50% of Americans live on less than $20,000 a yr;disappeared middle class;Huey Long;prisons for profit;internment camps big business;the rich control the media;dystopian views;hackers;infrastructure collapsing;inflation;Reaganomics;the job mentality.







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One Response to "Meria With Donald Jeffries-Survival of the Richest"

  1. pbraunschweiler says:

    Thank you Meria and Donald for another excellent Interview. I ordered three books, and have shared two. The one I kept to read, my husband got a hold of before me. When he finished it, he said that it’s sickening to see how the unlimited greediness of so few can have such a devastating effect on the lives of the majority. I just started it, and can’t put it down. I have recommended “Survival Of The Richest” to all of my friends, and pretty much anyone who will listen. I’ve already had four tell me they will definitely get it. Needless to say, I’m looking forward to the next time Donald Jeffries is on your show, Meria!

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